About LYP
LOUGHTON YOUTH PROJECT (LYP) was set up in 2007 as a voluntary sector and local authority partnership in response to raised concern for the community safety and positive engagement of local teenagers..
Findings from an outreach study report highlighted a need for continued innovative youth work and creation of a safe, informal social space that would meet the needs of local 13-19 year olds.
In October 2009, LYP opened 'The Space'; a dedicated youth information centre within Loughton Library building to run after school and evening open access drop in sessions and challenging radio podcasting and other digital media-based activities.
LYP continues to be driven by young people, with a membership now in excess of 300 local teenagers.
'The Space' is also now a venue used by many local partner agencies in delivering targeted, joint daytime work including: Connexions, The Job Centre Plus, Oakview School and Roding Valley High School.
The thrust of LYP activity is heavily influenced by the elected LYP youth committee who assist in the programming of holiday activities and popular Wednesday night events / activities.
The Space prides itself on being the only youth facility in the local area which is open every day of the week, free of cost, and provides a warm, friendly welcome to all of our visitors.